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  1. Christensen GM, Marcus M, Vanker A, Eick SM, Malcolm-Smith S, Smith ADAC, Dunn EC, Suglia SF, Chang HH, Zar HJ, Stein DJ, Hüls A. Sensitive periods for exposure to indoor air pollutants and psychosocial factors in association with symptoms of psychopathology at school-age in a South African birth cohort. medRxiv. 2023 Aug 13:2023.08.08.23293825. doi: 10.1101/2023.08.08.23293825. Preprint.

  2. Pett L, Li Z, Abrishamcar S, Hodge K, Everson T, Christensen GM, Gearing M, Kobor M, Konwar C, MacIssac JL, Dever K, Wingo AP, Levey AI, Lah JJ, Wingo TS, Hüls A. The Association between Neighborhood Deprivation and DNA Methylation in an Autopsy Cohort. SSRN 2023. doi:



  1. Casey E, Li Z, Liang D, Ebelt S, Levey AI, Lah JJ, Wingo TS, Hüls A. Association between Fine Particulate Matter Exposure and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease among a Cognitively Healthy Population-based Cohort. Environ Health Perspect. 2024. In press

  2. Christensen GM, Marcus M, Vanker A, Eick SM, Malcolm-Smith S, Suglia SF, Chang HH, Zar HJ, Stein DJ, Hüls A. Joint Effects of Indoor Air Pollution and Maternal Psychosocial Factors During Pregnancy on Trajectories of Early Childhood Psychopathology. Am J Epidemiol. 2024. In press

  3. Mei Y, Christensen GM, Li Z, Waller LA, Ebelt S, Marcus M, Lah JJ, Wingo AP, Wingo TS, Hüls A. Joint effects of air pollution and neighborhood socioeconomic status on cognitive decline - Mediation by depression, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. Sci Total Environ. 2024 Mar 5:171535. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171535. Online ahead of print.

  4. Christensen GM*, Li Z*, Liang D, Ebelt S, Gearing M, Levey AI, Lah JJ, Wingo AP, Wingo TS, Hüls A. Association of PM2.5 Exposure and Alzheimer Disease Pathology in Brain Bank Donors-Effect Modification by APOE Genotype. Neurology. 2024 Mar 12;102(5):e209162. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000209162. Epub 2024 Feb 21. (* equal contribution)

  5. Li Z, Liang D, Ebelt S, Gearing M, Kobor MS, Konwar C, Maclsaac JL, Dever K, Wingo AP, Levey AI, Lah JJ, Wingo TS, Hüls A. Differential DNA methylation in the brain as potential mediator of the association between traffic-related PM2.5 and neuropathology markers of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Feb 12. doi: 10.1002/alz.13650. Online ahead of print.

  6. Camerota M, Lester BM, McGowan EC, Carter BS, Check J, Dansereau LM, DellaGrotta SA, Helderman JB, Hofheimer JA, Loncar CM, Neal CR, O'Shea TM, Pastyrnak SL, Smith LM, Abrishamcar S, Hüls A, Marsit CJ, Everson TM. Contributions of prenatal risk factors and neonatal epigenetics to cognitive outcome in children born very preterm. Dev Psychol. 2024 Feb 15. doi: 10.1037/dev0001709. Online ahead of print.

  7. Li S, Spitz N, Ghantous A, Abrishamcar S, Reimann B, Marques I, Silver MJ, Aguilar-Lacasaña S, Kitaba N, Rezwan FI, Röder S, Sirignano L, Tuhkanen J, Mancano G, Sharp GC, Metayer C, Morimoto L, Stein DJ, Zar HJ, Alfano R, Nawrot T, Wang C, Kajantie E, Keikkala E, Mustaniemi S, Ronkainen J, Sebert S, Silva W, Vääräsmäki M, Jaddoe VWV, Bernstein RM, Prentice AM, Cosin-Tomas M, Dwyer T, Håberg SE, Herceg Z, Magnus MC, Munthe-Kaas MC, Page CM, Völker M, Gilles M, Send T, Witt S, Zillich L, Gagliardi L, Richiardi L, Czamara D, Räikkönen K, Chatzi L, Vafeiadi M, Arshad SH, Ewart S, Plusquin M, Felix JF, Moore SE, Vrijheid M, Holloway JW, Karmaus W, Herberth G, Zenclussen A, Streit F, Lahti J, Hüls A, Hoang TT, London SJ, Wiemels JL. A Pregnancy and Childhood Epigenetics Consortium (PACE) meta-analysis highlights potential relationships between birth order and neonatal blood DNA methylation. Commun Biol. 2024 Jan 9;7(1):66. doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-05698-x.



  1. Liang D, Taibl KR, Dunlop AL, Barr DB, Ryan PB, Everson T, Hüls A, Tan Y, Panuwet P, Kannan K, Marsit C, Jones DP, Eick SM. Metabolic Perturbations Associated with an Exposure Mixture of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Atlanta African American Maternal-Child Cohort. Environ Sci Technol. 2023 Oct 31;57(43):16206-16218. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c04561. Epub 2023 Oct 19.

  2. Kotsakis Ruehlmann A, Sammallahti S, Cortés Hidalgo AP, Bakulski KM, Binder EB, Campbell ML, Caramaschi D, Cecil CAM, Colicino E, Cruceanu C, Czamara D, Dieckmann L, Dou J, Felix JF, Frank J, Håberg SE, Herberth G, Hoang TT, Houtepen LC, Hüls A, Koen N, London SJ, Magnus MC, Mancano G, Mulder RH, Page CM, Räikkönen K, Röder S, Schmidt RJ, Send TS, Sharp G, Stein DJ, Streit F, Tuhkanen J, Witt SH, Zar HJ, Zenclussen AC, Zhang Y, Zillich L, Wright R, Lahti J, Brunst KJ. Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of prenatal maternal stressful life events and newborn DNA methylation. Mol Psychiatry. 2023 Mar 10. doi: 10.1038/s41380-023-02010-5. Online ahead of print.

  3. Hüls A, Van Cor S, Christensen GM, Li Z, Liu Y, Shi L, Pearce JL, Bayakly R, Lash TL, Ward K, Switchenko JM. Environmental, social and behavioral risk factors in association with spatial clustering of childhood cancer incidence. Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol. 2023 June; 45(100582). doi: 10.1016/j.sste.2023.100582

  4. Eick SM, Tan Y, Taibl KR, Barry Ryan P, Barr DB, Hüls A, Eatman JA, Panuwet P, D'Souza PE, Yakimavets V, Lee GE, Brennan PA, Corwin EJ, Dunlop AL, Liang D. Prenatal exposure to persistent and non-persistent chemical mixtures and associations with adverse birth outcomes in the Atlanta African American Maternal-Child Cohort. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2023 Feb 25. doi: 10.1038/s41370-023-00530-4. Online ahead of print.

  5. Chen J, Gatev E, Everson TM, Conneely KN, Koen N, Epstein MP, Kobor MS, Zar HJ, Stein DJ, Hüls A. Pruning and thresholding approach for methylation risk scores in multi-ancestry populations. Epigenetics. 2023 Dec;18(1):2187172. doi: 10.1080/15592294.2023.2187172.

  6. Feil D, Abrishamcar S, Christensen GM, Vanker A, Koen N, Kilanowski A, Hoffman N, Wedderburn CJ, Donald KA, Kobor MS, Zar HJ, Stein DJ, Hüls A. DNA methylation as a potential mediator of the association between indoor air pollution and neurodevelopmental delay in a South African birth cohort. Clin Epigenetics. 2023 Feb 28;15(1):31. doi: 10.1186/s13148-023-01444-6.

  7. Lee M, Joehanes R, McCartney DL, Kho M, Hüls A, Wyss AB, Liu C, Walker RM, R Kardia SL, Wingo TS, Burkholder A, Ma J, Campbell A, Wingo AP, Huan T, Sikdar S, Keshawarz A, Bennett DA, Smith JA, Evans KL, Levy D, London SJ. Opioid medication use and blood DNA methylation: epigenome-wide association meta-analysis. Epigenomics. 2022 Dec;14(23):1479-1492. doi: 10.2217/epi-2022-0353. Epub 2023 Jan 26.

  8. Peng Q, Liu Y, Hüls A, Zhang C, Yu Y, Qiu W, Cai X, Zhao Y, Schikowski T, Merches K, Liu Y, Yang Y, Wang J, Zhao Y, Jin L, Zhang L, Krutmann J, Wang S. Genetic variants in Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase contribute to solar lentigines. J Invest Dermatol. 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2022.11.016. In Press.

  9. Wigmann C, Hüls A, Krutmann J, Schikowski T. Estimating the Relative Contribution of Environmental and Genetic Risk Factors to Different Aging Traits by Combining Correlated Variables into Weighted Risk Scores. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Dec 13;19(24):16746. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192416746.

  10. Rijlaarsdam J, Cosin M, Schellhas L, Abrishamcar S, Malmberg A, Neumann A, Felix JF, Sunyer J, Gutzkow KB, Grazuleviciene R, Wright J, Kampouri M, Zar HJ, Stein DJ, Heinonen K, Räikkönen K, Lahti J, Hüls A, Caramaschi D, Alemany S, Cecil CAM. DNA methylation and general psychopathology in childhood: An epigenome-wide meta-analysis from the PACE consortium. Mol Psychiatry. 2023 Mar;28(3):1128-1136. doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01871-6. Epub 2022 Nov 16.



  1. Abrishamcar S, Chen J, Feil D, Kilanowski A, Koen N, Vanker A, Wedderburn CJ, Donald K, Zar HJ, Stein DJ, Hüls A. DNA Methylation as a Potential Mediator of the Association Between Prenatal Tobacco and Alcohol Exposure and Child Neurodevelopment in a South African Birth Cohort. Transl Psychiatry. 2022 Sep 30;12(1):418. doi: 10.1038/s41398-022-02195-3.

  2. Kilanowski A, Abrishamcar S, Feil D, Thiering E, Waldenberger M, Peters A, Standl M*, Hüls A*. DNA methylation and aeroallergen sensitization – the chicken or the egg? Clin Epigenetics. 2022 Sep 16;14(1):114. doi: 10.1186/s13148-022-01332-5 (* equal contribution)

  3. Leung C, Ryu MH, Kocbach Bølling A, Maestre-Batlle D, Rider CF, Hüls A, Urtatiz O, MacIsaac JL, Soon-Keen Lau K, Lin DTS, Kobor MS, Carlsten C. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma gene variants modify human airway and systemic responses to indoor dibutyl phthalate exposure. Respir Res. 2022 Sep 16;23(1):248. doi: 10.1186/s12931-022-02174-8

  4. Halder P*, Hüls A*, Feany PT, Baumer NT, Dierssen M, Bargagna S, Costa ACS, Chicoine BA, Rebillat AS, Sgandurra G, Valentini D, Rohrer TR, Levin J, Lakhanpaul M, Carfi A, Sherman SL, Strydom A, Ghosh S, on behalf of the T21RS COVID-19 Initiative. Differences in Clinical Presentation, Severity, and Treatment of COVID-19 Among Individuals with Down Syndrome from India and High-Income Countries: Data from the Trisomy 21 Research Society Survey. J Glob Health. 2022 Aug 8;12:05035. doi: 10.7189/jogh.12.05035. (* equal contribution)

  5. Zhang X, Hüls A, Makuch R, Zhou A, Zheng T, Xia W, Gaskins A, Makuch J, Zhu Z, Zhu C, Qian Z, Xu S, Li Y. Association of exposure to ambient particulate matter with maternal thyroid function in early pregnancy. Environ Res. 2022 Jul 20;113942. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113942. Online ahead of print

  6. Christensen GM, Li Z, Pearce J, Marcus M, Lah JJ, Waller LA, Ebelt S, Hüls A. The complex relationship of air pollution and neighborhood socioeconomic status and their association with cognitive decline. Environ Int. 2022 Sep 167:107416. doi:

  7. Christensen GM, Rowcliffe C, Chen J, Vanker A, Koen N, Jones MJ, Gladish N, Hoffman N, Donald K, Wedderburn CJ, Kobor MS, Zar H, Stein DJ, Hüls A. In-Utero Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution or Tobacco Smoke and Cognitive Development in a South African Birth Cohort Study. Sci Total Environ. 2022 Apr 20:155394. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155394. Online ahead of print.

  8. Kilanowski A, Chen J, Everson T, Thiering E, Wilson R, Gladish N, Waldenberger M, Zhang H, Celedon JC, Burchard E, Peters A, Standl M*, Hüls A*. Methylation risk scores for childhood aeroallergen sensitization: Results from the LISA birth cohort. Allergy. 2022 Apr 19. doi: 10.1111/all.15315. Online ahead of print (* equal contribution)

  9. Li Z, Christensen GM, Lah JJ, Marcus M, Russell AG, Ebelt S, Waller LA, Hüls A. Neighborhood characteristics as confounders and effect modifiers for the association between air pollution exposure and cognitive function. Environ Res. 2022 Apr 1;212(Pt A):113221. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113221. Online ahead of print.

  10. Hüls A, Feany PT, Zisman SI, Costa ACS, Dierssen M, Balogh R, Bargagna S, Baumer NT, Brandão AC, Carfi A, Chicoine BA, Ghosh S, Lakhanpaul M, Levin J, Lunsky Y, Manso C, Okun E, de Asua DR, Rebillat AS, Rohrer TR, Sgandurra G, Valentini D, Sherman SL, Strydom A, on behalf of the T21RS COVID-19 Initiative. COVID-19 Vaccination of Individuals with Down Syndrome – Data from the Trisomy 21 Research Society Survey on Safety, Efficacy, and Factors Associated with the Decision to Get Vaccinated. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Mar 29;10(4):530. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10040530

  11. Hüls A, Robins C, Conneely KN, Edgar R, De Jager PL, Bennett DA, Wingo AP, Epstein MP, Wingo TS. Brain DNA Methylation Patterns in CLDN5 Associated with Cognitive Decline. Biol Psychiatry. 2022 Feb 15;91(4):389-398. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.01.015. Epub 2021 Feb 3

  12. Costa ACS, Brandão AC, Boada R, Barrionuevo VL, Taylor HG, Roth E, Stasko MR, Johnson MW, Assir FF, Roberto MP, Salmona P, Abreu-Silveira G, Bederman I, Prendergast E, Hüls A, Abrishamcar S, Mustacchi Z, Scheidemantel T, Roizen NJ, Ruedrich S. Safety, efficacy, and tolerability of memantine hydrochloride on cognitive and adaptive outcome measures in adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. Lancet Neurol. 2022 Jan;21(1):31-41. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00369-0

  13. Hüls A, Wedderburn CJ, Groenewold NA, Gladish N, Jones M, Koen N, MacIsaac JL, Lin DTS, Ramadori KE, Epstein MP, Donald KA, Kobor MS, Zar HJ, Stein DJ. Newborn Differential DNA Methylation and Subcortical Brain Volumes as Early Signs of Severe Neurodevelopmental Delay in a South African Birth Cohort Study. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2022 Jan 12;1-12. doi: 10.1080/15622975.2021.2016955. Online ahead of print.



  1. Emes DT*, Hüls A*, Baumer N, Dierssen M, Puri S, Russel L, Sherman SL, Strydom A, Bargagna S, Brandao AC, Costa ACS, Feany PT, Chicoine BA, Ghosh S, Rebillat AS, Sgandurra G, Valentini D, Rohrer TR, Levin J, Lakhanpaul M. COVID-19 in Children with Down Syndrome: Data from the Trisomy 21 Research Society Survey. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10(21), 5125; doi: 10.3390/jcm10215125 (* equal contribution)

  2. Drzymalla E, Gladish N, Koen N, Epstein MP, Kobor MS, Zar HJ, Stein DJ, Hüls A. Association between Maternal Depression during Pregnancy and Newborn DNA Methylation. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 Nov 8;11(1):572. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01697-w

  3. Asúa DRd, Mayer M, Ortega MC, Borrel JM, Bermejo TdJ, González-Lamuño D, Manso C, Moldenhauer F, Iragui MC, Hüls A, Sherman SL, Strydom A, Torre Rdl, Dierssen M, on behalf of the Spanish Trisomy 21 Research Society COVID-19 Taskforce. Comparison of COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Pneumonia in Down Syndrome. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3748. doi:

  4. Hüls A*, Wright MN*, Bogl LH, Kaprio J, Lissner L, Molnár D, Moreno L, De Henauw S, Siani A, Veidebaum T, Ahrens W, Pigeot I#, Foraita R#, on behalf of the IDEFICS/I.Family consortia. Polygenic risk for obesity and its interaction with lifestyle and socio-demographic factors in European children and adolescents. Int J Obes (Lond). 2021 Jun;45(6):1321-1330. doi: 10.1038/s41366-021-00795-5. Epub 2021 Mar 22. (*,# equal contribution)

  5. Hüls A, Costa ACS, Dierssen M, Baksh RA, Bargagna S, Baumer NT, Brandão AC, Carfi A, Carmona-Iragui M, Chicoine BA, Ghosh S, Lakhanpaul M, Manso C, Mayer MA, Del Carmen Ortega M, de Asua DR, Rebillat AS, Russell LA, Sgandurra G, Valentini D, Sherman SL, Strydom A, on behalf of the T21RS COVID-19 Initiative. Medical Vulnerability of Individuals with Down Syndrome to Severe COVID-19 – Data from the Trisomy 21 Research Society and the UK ISARIC4C Survey. EClinicalMedicine. 2021 Mar;33:100769. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.100769. Epub 2021 Feb 22.  

  6. Mathiarasan S, Hüls A. Impact of Environmental Injustice on Children's Health-Interaction between Air Pollution and Socioeconomic Status. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jan 19;18(2):795. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18020795




  1. Hüls A, Robins C, Conneely KN, De Jager PL, Bennett DA, Epstein MP, Wingo TS, Wingo AP. Association between DNA Methylation Levels in Brain Tissue and Late-Life Depression in Community-Based Participants. Transl Psychiatry. 2020 Jul 30;10(1):262. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-00948-6

  2. Hüls A, Vanker A, Gray D, Koen N, MacIsaac JL, Lin DTS, Ramadori KE, Sly PD, Stein DJ, Kobor MS, Zar HJ. Genetic susceptibility to asthma increases the vulnerability to indoor air pollution. Eur Respir J. 2020 Mar;55(3). doi: 10.1183/13993003.01831-2019

  3. Altug H, Fuks KB, Hüls A, Mayer AK, Tham R, Krutmann J, Schikowski T. Air pollution is associated with depressive symptoms in elderly women with cognitive impairment. Environ Int. 2020 Mar;136:105448. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105448. Epub 2020 Jan 10

  4. Schikowski T, Hüls A. Air pollution and skin aging. Curr Environ Health Rep. 2020 Mar;7(1):58-64. doi: 10.1007/s40572-020-00262-9. Review

  5. Hüls A, Czamara D. Methodological challenges in constructing DNA methylation risk scores. Epigenetics. 2020 Jan - Feb;15(1-2):1-11. doi: 10.1080/15592294.2019.1644879. Epub 2019 Jul 22.




  1. Liu Y, Gao W, Koellmann C, Le Clerc S, Hüls A, Li B, Peng Q, Wu S, Ding A, Yang Y, Jin L, Krutmann J, Schikowski T, Zagury JF, Wang S. Genome-wide scan identified genetic variants associated with skin aging in a Chinese female population. J Dermatol Sci. 2019 Oct;96(1):42-49. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2019.08.010

  2. Wooding D, Ryu HM, Hüls A, Lee AD, Lin DTS, Rider CF, Yuen ACY, Carlsten C. Particle Depletion Does Not Remediate Acute Effects of Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Allergen. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019 Sep 1;200(5):565-574. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201809-1657OC

  3. Hüls A, Sugiri D, Abramson M, Hoffmann B, Schwender H, Ickstadt K, Krämer U, Schikowski T. Benefits of improved air quality on aging lungs. Impacts of genetics and obesity. Eur Respir J. 2019 Apr 25;53(4). doi: 10.1183/13993003.01780-2018

  4. Hüls A, Sugiri D, Fuks K, Krutmann J, Schikowski T. Lentigines Formation in Caucasian Women - Interaction Between Particulate Matter and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. J Invest Dermatol. 2019 Apr;139(4):974-976. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2018.09.034

  5. Fuks KB*, Hüls A*, Sugiri D, Altug H, Vierkötter A, Abramson MJ, Goebel J, Wagner GG, Demuth I, Krutmann J, Schikowski T. Tropospheric ozone and skin aging: results from two German cohort studies. Environ Int. 2019 Mar;124:139-144. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.12.047 (*equal contribution)

  6. Hüls A*, Abramson MJ*, Sugiri D, Fuks K, Krämer U, Krutmann J, Schikowski T. Nonatopic eczema in elderly women: Effect of air pollution and genes. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Jan;143(1):378-385.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.09.031 (*equal contribution)




  1. Schnass W, Hüls A, Vierkötter A, Krämer U, Krutmann J, Schikowski T. Traffic-related air pollution and eczema in the elderly: Findings from the SALIA cohort. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2018 Jul;221(6):861-867. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2018.06.002.

  2. Schneider A, Rückerl R, Standl M, Markevych I, Hoffmann B, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Weber A, Herr C, Heißenhuber A, Nennstiel-Ratzel U, Heinze S, Schulz C, Kolossa-Gehring M, Niemann H, Gößwald A, Schikowski T, Hüls A, Sugiri D, Peters A. [Epidemiological studies with environmental relevance in Germany]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2018 Jun;61(6):697-709. doi: 10.1007/s00103-018-2740-0. Review. German

  3. Hüls A*, Klümper C*, MacIntyre E, Brauer M, Melén E, Bauer M, Berdel D, Bergström A, Brunekreef B, Chan-Yeung M, Fuertes E, Gehring U, Gref A, Heinrich J, Standl M, Lehmann I, Kerkhof M, Koppelman G, Kozyrskyj A, Pershagen G, Carlsten C, Krämer U, Schikowski T, for the TAG Study Group. Atopic dermatitis: Interaction between genetic variants of GSTP1, TNF, TLR2 & TLR4 and air pollution in early life. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2018 Sep;29(6):596-605. doi: 10.1111/pai.12903 (*equal contribution)

  4. Hüls A, Vierkötter A, Sugiri D, Abramson M, Ranft U, Krämer U, Schikowski T. The role of air pollution and lung function on cognitive impairment. Eur Respir J. 2018; 51:1701963. oi: 10.1183/13993003.01963-2017




  1. Hüls A, Krämer U, Carlsten C, Schikowski T, Ickstadt K, Schwender H. Comparison of weighting approaches for genetic risk scores in gene-environment interaction studies. BMC Genet. 2017;18:115. doi: 10.1186/s12863-017-0586-3

  2. Ding A, Yang Y, Zhao Z, Hüls A, Vierkötter A, Yuan Z, Cai J, Zhang J, Gao W, Li J, Zhang M, Matsui M, Krutmann J, Kan H, Schikowski T, Jin L, Wang S. Indoor PM2.5 exposure affects skin aging manifestation in a Chinese population. Sci Rep. 2017;10;7(1):15329. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-15295-8

  3. Hüls A, Ickstadt K, Schikowski T, Krämer U. Detection of gene-environment interactions in the presence of linkage disequilibrium and noise by using genetic risk scores with internal weights from elastic net regression. BMC Genet. 2017 Jun 12;18(1):55. doi: 10.1186/s12863-017-0519-1

  4. Hüls A, Frömke C, Ickstadt K, Hille K, Hering J, von Münchhausen C, Hartmann M, Kreienbrock L. Antibiotic resistances in livestock: A comparative approach to identify an appropriate regression model for count data. Front. Vet. Sci. 2017;4:71. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2017.00071

  5. Hüls A, Schikowski T. Ambient particulate matter and COPD in China: a challenge for respiratory health research. Thorax 2017;18(1):55. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2016-209687

  6. Gao W*, Tan J*, Hüls A*, Ding A, Liu Y, Matsui M S, Vierkötter A, Krutmann J#, Schikowski T#, Jin L#, Wang S#. Genetic variants associated with skin aging in the Chinese Han population. J Dermatol Sci 2017;86(1): 21-29. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2016.12.017 (* equal contribution; # Co-senior authors)

  7. Hüls A, Krämer U, Herder C, Fehsel K, Luckhaus C, Stolz S, Vierkötter A, Schikowski T. Genetic susceptibility for air pollution-induced airway inflammation in the SALIA study. Environmental Research 2017;152:43–50. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2016.09.028




  1. Fehsel K, Schikowski T, Jänner M, Hüls A, Voussoughi M, Schulte T, Vierkötter A, Teichert T, Herder C, Sugiri D, Krämer U, Luckhaus, C. Estrogen receptor beta polymorphisms and cognitive performance in women: associations and modifications by genetic and environmental influences. J Neural Transm (Vienna) 2016;123(12):1369-1379. doi:10.1007/s00702-016-1620-8

  2. Hüls A, Krämer U, Gappa M, Müller-Brandes C, Schikowski T, von Berg A, Hoffmann B, Schuster A, Wisbauer M, Flexeder C, Heinrich J, Schulz H, Berdel D. Age dependency of GLI reference values compared with paediatric lung function data in two German studies (GINIplus and LUNOKID). PLoS ONE 2016;11(7): e0159678. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159678

  3. Hüls A, Krämer U, Stolz S, Hennig F, Hoffmann B, Ickstadt K, Vierkötter A, Schikowski T. Applicability of the Global Lung Initiative 2012 reference values for spirometry for longitudinal data of elderly women. PLoS ONE 2016;11(6): e0157569. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157569

  4. Vierkötter A*, Hüls A*, Yamamoto A, Stolz S, Krämer U, Matsui MS, Morita A, Wang S, Li Z, Jin L, Krutmann J*, Schikowski T*: Extrinsic skin aging in German, Chinese and Japanese women manifests differently in all three groups depending on ethnic background, age and anatomical site. J Dermatol Sci 2016:83:219-225. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2016.05.011 (* equal contribution)

  5. Hüls A*, Vierkötter A*, Wenshan G*, Krämer U, Yang Y, Ding A, Stolz S, Matsui M, Kan H, Wang S, Jin L, Krutmann J, Schikowski T. Traffic related air pollution contributes to development of facial lentigines: Further epidemiological evidence from Caucasians and Asians. J Invest Dermatol. 2016;136:1053-56. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2015.12.045 (* equal contribution)

  6. Hüls A, Krämer U, Schuster A, Gappa M, Wisbauer M, Müller-Brandes C, Schikowski T, Hoffmann B, von Berg A, Berdel D. Inclusion of children with airway disease for the development of spirometry reference data. Eur Respir J. 2016 Apr;47(4):1290-2. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01465-2015

  7. Krutmann J, Schikowski T, Hüls A, Vierkötter A, Grether-Beck S. [Environmentally induced (extrinsic) skin aging]. Hautarzt. 2016 Feb;67(2):99-102. doi: 10.1007/s00105-015-3750-6. German




  1. Hampel R, Peters A, Beelen R, Brunekreef B, Cyrys J, de Faire U, de Hoogh K, Fuks K, Hoffmann B, Hüls A, Imboden M, Jedynska A, Kooter I, Koenig W, Künzli N, Leander K, Magnusson P, Männistö S, Penell J, Pershagen G, Phuleria H, Probst-Hensch N, Pundt N, Schaffner E, Schikowski T, Sugiri D, Tiittanen P, Tsai MY, Wang M, Wolf K, Lanki T; ESCAPE TRANSPHORM study groups. Long-term effects of elemental composition of particulate matter on inflammatory blood markers in European cohorts. Environ Int. 2015 Sep;82:76-84. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2015.05.008

  2. Li M, Vierkötter A, Schikowski T, Hüls A, Ding A, Matsui MS, Deng B, Ma C, Ren A, Zhang J, Tan J, Yang Y, Jin L, Krutmann J, Li Z, Wang S. Epidemiological evidence that indoor air pollution from cooking with solid fuels accelerates skin aging in Chinese women. J Dermatol Sci. 2015 Aug;79(2):148-54. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2015.04.001


Before 2015


  1. Müller-Brandes C, Krämer U, Gappa M, Seitner-Sorge G, Hüls A, von Berg A, Hoffmann B, Schuster A, Illi S, Wisbauer M, Berdel D. LUNOKID: can numerical American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society quality criteria replace visual inspection of spirometry? Eur Respir J. 2014 May;43(5):1347-56. doi: 10.1183/09031936.00058813

  2. Hüls A, Krämer U, Gappa M, Müller-Brandes C, Seitner-Sorge G, von Berg A, Schuster A, Beckmann C, Illi S, Wisbauer M, Berdel D. [New spirometric reference values for children and adolescents in Germany considering height and non-linear age effects: the LUNOKID-study]. Pneumologie. 2013 Mar;67(3):141-9. doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1326090. German

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